Cultivating Kindness

In case you missed your weekly Wellness email, Chaplain Revd Esther Mason thinks more about taking up acts of Kindness this week.

Hi Everyone,

At the end of last week’s Welness Wednesday email, I mentioned the idea of taking up acts of kindness rather than giving things up for Lent. I want to think more about that idea this week.

Our topic this week is: Kindness ❤️

When we think about wellbeing, we usually focus on ways that we care for our minds and bodies. We don’t tend to think about how helping others might have benefits for us as well. However, various studies have demonstrated a correlation between doing acts of kindness and happiness. A study showed this to be true whether the acts of kindness were done for friends or strangers. We know that too much time spent alone, without social interaction can make it easier for us to get trapped in negative thought patterns. Thinking about other people and how we could be kind to them takes us away from our own concerns and worries and gives us a different focus. It is a win-win situation. You act kindly towards someone else, and you end up feeling happier too. 😊 😊

Why not try your own experiment this week? Consciously do an act of kindness each day and see how it makes you feel. Some of the links below provide more ideas for acts of kindness but here are just a few suggestions: 

  • Text a friend to see how they are doing
  • Make a meal for your household
  • We are currently in Fairtrade Fortnight. When you next shop, look for a Fairtrade product to buy and recognise that you are acting kindly to the producers of that item.
  • Send a card to someone thanking them for their influence in your life
  • Donate some items to a foodbank
  • Respond kindly to a negative comment online
  • Share a positive news story on social media

Jesus said that one of the two greatest commandments was the command to “Love your neighbour as you love yourself.”

It reminds me that we need to be kind to ourselves too. It is hard to love others if we don’t love and care for ourselves. A reminder once again that I am available to listen and provide support if you are finding things challenging. Just get in touch if that would be helpful.

Take care,

Acts of Kindness During the Coronavirus Outbreak.